Category Archives: others

Ayurvedic Perespective of HIV

Understanding HIV HIV pandemic is enveloping human race globally at a rapid speed. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a retrovirus that causes HIV infection and subsequently the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the infected person / host at later stages. This retrovirus targets to invade the immune system of the host and deteriorate the health, […]

Cure your insomnia by following right lifestyle patterns

How we are sleeping? What is our sleeping pattern? Do we just give it a thought? Ayurveda states that sleep, alongside proper diet, and the wise use of energy, is one of the most important ways to stay healthy. Cultivating solid and satisfying sleep is something we are all craving. And we all have had […]

Healthy living

Living a healthy lifestyle may mean something different from one person to the next. For some, health is defined by living a disease-free life. For others, healthy is being able to play with grandchildren or perhaps adhering to a weekly exercise schedule. Though the definition of healthy may differ between people, living a healthy lifestyle […]

Medicinal Plants Used In Various Indian Traditional Customs

Thousands of years ago, India’s greatest sages established Ayurveda, or knowledge of life, the main goal of which was the alleviation of human suffering. The sages of Ayurveda saw all illness and all health as part of an interlocking whole-mind body and spirit that must be treated as one. For medicines and treatments, they looked […]

It’s time for infertility to come out of the closet

The official definition of infertility: An inability to get or stay pregnant after some time of trying if you are under 35. Twelve percent of reproductive age American women- about 7.3 million are having trouble conceiving up from about 9 percent in 1988 according to centers for disease control and prevention. Infertility has been considered […]