Ayurvedic Perespective of HIV

Understanding HIV

HIV pandemic is enveloping human race globally at a rapid speed. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a retrovirus that causes HIV infection and subsequently the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the infected person / host at later stages. This retrovirus targets to invade the immune system of the host and deteriorate the health, subjecting the patient to varied infections that may cause serious life threatening conditions and in some severe cases carcinomas can occur.

Ayurvedic Perspective:

Ayurveda has conceptualized the diseases that are associated with loss of energy in the body as ‘Kshaya‘ or ‘Ojakshaya‘. The infection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) may be correlated with this category wherein the body of the patient loses the innate immunity resulting in weakness in the body. ‘Shoshan’ is another condition, which results from loss of energy that is similar to HIV. The symptoms, causative factors and treatment for the latter are mentioned in many ancient ayurvedic texts like Charaka Samhitha, Bhavaprakasha, Vaidyachintamani, Chakradatta etc.  In brief, according to Ayurveda our body contains ‘Saptha Dhatu’ namely:

  1. Rasa (plasma)
  2. Rakta (blood cells)
  3. Mansa (muscular tissue)
  4. Meda (adipose tissue)
  5. Asthi (bony tissue)
  6. Majja (bone marrow)
  7. Shukra (reproductive tissue)

Ayurveda gestate HIV infection as a result of the deterioration of Saptha Dhatu, which is caused by the dominant kapha dosha and other doshas that tends to block the path for the flow of rasadi dhatus in their respective locations.


Ayurveda dictates a concoction of medicines and lifestyle changes in order to control the ‘Kshaya‘ or ‘Ojakshaya‘. Experience has shown that certain herbo-mineral compounds prepared as per the formulae and preparation procedures prescribed by sages like Agasthya, Charaka, Sarangadhara and others for the treatment of Kshaya have brought about significant results in improving the condition of HIV patients. The Rasayana and Vajikara effects of these medicines are good for the patients. The treatment progresses in stages in order to have the effective therapy.

Initial Stage:

  • At the initial stage the patient is treated with ‘Rasayanas’ – tonics and rejuvenators to boost the immunity levels, strengthen the immune system and stimulate appetite.

Later Stage:

  • In the later stage when the patients display improvement in body strength, the patient is subjected to ‘Shodhana’ – the elimination techniques to expel toxins from the body. These include enemas, purgation and emesis.
  • Various immunomodulator medicines and antiviral herbal combinations are administered to the patient at this stage are not hard or drastic but soft in terms of assimilation for the patient’s body. The main perspective of the treatment is that the patient can withstands them with ease.
  • Additionally appropriate medications are administered to the patient for blood purification.
  • Liver corrective measures also play an important role in the line of treatment.
  • A strengthening dietary intake along with medicated ghee preparations and soups is recommended to the patient. Spicy, oily and acidic foods are to be avoided.

The treatment includes the administration of self-fermented alcohol present in the ‘Asavams’ and ‘Arishtams’ of Ayurveda is recommended as anupana (carrier) to aid the digestive process. These also help in the remove of blockages in the flow of Rasadi dhatus, i.e. srothorodha.  Patient is advised to do exercise regularly ad it is theorized that upon exercising, the body generated heat. Heated blood is said to weaken, and even wipe out the virus in some cases. If the patient is incapable of exercising or running due to weakness, then ‘Swedanam’ – body steaming and taking steam baths is also recommended.

We here at ND CARE NIROGAM, prescribe proprietary ayurvedic medicines for achieving good improvement in the quality of life of patients. Some of these include ‘Amrutjeewan Rasayanam’, ‘Raktavardhak’ for Immunity building and ‘Sookshma triphla’ tablets to keep away the infection.

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