Kidneys are vital organs of the human body that are responsible for discarding the waste from the body. Kidney failure implies that they stop functioning for your survival. The kidneys are unable to filter out waste in kidney failure and toxic elements start accumulating in the human body. End-stage renal kidney disease (ESRD) is also […]
Category Archives: Ayurveda
Kidneys are a significant organ for the human body that removes the waste and excess fluids from the human body to maintain a healthy body. Damage to the kidney can be fatal because they are very important for the survival of a person. Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disease that can cause the human body […]
Kidneys are responsible for eliminating wastes from the human body. If the toxic waste goes on accumulating in the body then it can prove fatal. Kidney cleanses the blood and produces urine. PKD is also known as polycystic kidney disease. It is a genetic disease in which sacs filled with fluid are formed in the […]
PKD is an inherited kidney problem which causes fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys. These fluid-filled cysts grow constantly and hence enlarge the kidneys size. These cysts go on displacing the nephrons by causing them to damage completely and the condition further leads to kidney failure. Natural Ayurvedic Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) […]
According to Ayurveda, CKD is a disease of Mutravaha Srotas (excretory system). A faulty diet /improperly cooked food (Viruddh ahar), & lifestyle factors (Viruddh Vihar) hampers all the three Doshas (Bio- elements) as well as all the Dushyas (Tissues) of body, Kapha (Fluid element) is responsible in blocking microvessels and developing microangiopathy. Vata (Air element) […]
Nephrotic syndrome is a pathological condition in which permeability of glomerular basement membrane to plasma protein increased. It results in low blood proteins (albumin), high cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels in the blood. In Ayurvedic classical text books, Nephrotic syndrome is mentioned under the Prameha Rog (a disease of urinary system with altered composition, frequency […]
Our kidneys filter about 8 litres of blood every hour. The kidneys are the reason for the correct amount of water in our body and it eliminates waste from our body. So it is important to look after the health of kidneys. Kidneys are called vrikka in Ayurveda. It mentions that the kidney is made […]
PKD is an inherited kidney problem which causes fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys. These fluid-filled cysts grow constantly and hence enlarge the kidneys size. These cysts go on displacing the nephrons by causing them to damage completely and the condition further leads to kidney failure. Natural Ayurvedic Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) […]
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder and is caused by an abnormality in certain genes. In this fluid-filled cysts are formed in the kidneys. These cysts are non-cancerous in nature and may vary in size. If there is a presence of a single cyst on your kidney, then you don’t need to worry […]
Ayurveda boasts two basic line of treatments i.e Shaman and Shodhan Shaman treatment includes treatment of disease with herbal or herbo-mineral medicines. The basic goal of this is to pacify the aggravated doshas in the body i.e Vat, Pitta and Kaph. But this process has its own limitations. As mentioned in our great ‘Samhitas’ after doshas are vitiated above certain level they cannot be pacified and […]
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