Embracing in your new Skin Leucoderma


Leucoderma (Shwitra) is considered as one of the varieties of ‘kustha’ in ayurvedic classics. Shwitra is a harmless skin disorder characterized by white patches that appear on the skin that have lost their ability to produce normal dermal color as that of the body skin tone of the individual. Shwitra can be correlated with leucoderma which is chronic and progressive skin disease characterized by milky white patches with hypo-pigmented border due to failure of melanin formation in dermal cells.


  • White Patches /Depigmentation on skin
  • Premature Greying of Scalp
  • Greying of Eyelashes


  • Virudh ahaara
  • Suppression of natural urges
  • Physical exercise in excessive heat
  • Stress


In Ayurveda Leucoderma / Vitiligo is known as “Shwitra” or “Kilaas” (धवल रोग / श्वेत कुष्ठ). It has been clearly mentioned in the classical texts of Ayurveda that Leucoderma is not contagious and does not cause any other symptoms such as skin diseases. In Ayurveda this is recognized as a kind of harmless Kushtha.

According to Ayurveda, Leucoderma is the result of poor production of pitta in the body. Sometimes these white spots on the skin become red and itchy skin. The patient may also feel a burning sensation on the affected part. Pitta is an ayurvedic humor which symbolizes heat or fire, and is manifested in the skin. Aggravated Pitta leads to accumulation of ama (toxins) in deep layers of the skin, leading to the condition of Leucoderma.

Pitta is of five types; one of them is ‘Bhrajak Pitta’ that gives color to the skin. In the case of Leucoderma, Bhrajak Pitta is in an imbalanced state, and therefore the skin starts losing its natural color causing white patches to appear on the skin. Along with Pitta Dosha, deeper body tissues like Rasa Dhatu (nutrient plasma), Rakta (blood), Mansa (muscles), and Lasika (lymph) are also involved in the disease.


Tamra layer of Twacha


We here at ND CARE NIROGAM, advocate for both ‘Shodhana chikitsa’ (Purification) and ‘Shamana chikitsa’ techniques for leucoderma. Two types of drugs are mainly used in ‘Shodhana chikitsa’. 

  • KASTHA AUSADHI (the herbal drugs) are mainly photosensitizing drugs that are used locally as well as systematically with sun exposure. These act as blood purifiers and are used to redress blood morbidity.
  • RAS AUSADHI (the herbo-mineral drugs) act as immunosuppressant and usually used in those patients where spread of disease is very rapid. Bhasma is one such herbal drug which is also used to initiate regimentation.

Apart from the medicines the patient is advised on the correct dietary intake and lifestyle adjustments to prevent recurrence of the disorder. It is also advised to practise pranayam and yoga.


LEUCODERMA homeremedies

  1. Mustard Oil and Turmeric:
    • Carefully mix 250 millilitres of mustard oil with a teaspoon of turmeric.
    • Apply this paste on the affected area.
    • It is advisable to apply this mixture twice a day on the affected areas.
  1. Lime Juice and Basil Leaves:
    • Mix the extract of basil leaves and lime juice in a container
    • Apply this paste on the affected area.
    • It is advisable to apply this mixture three or four times a day on the affected areas
  1. Neem:
    • Good healing properties along with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
    • Mostly leaves, barks and its small fruits are used in the form of paste.
    • These can also be added in bathing water.
  1. Coconut Oil:
    • It contains Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), which is renowned for its antioxidant properties.
    • Coconut oil should be used twice daily: in the morning and before bed.
    • Simply rub into the affected areas.

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