Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Stones

Healthy kidneys are important for a healthy life. It is important for your body to contain the correct amount of water and kidney can be credited for its regulation. Kidneys are a part of our urinary tract and they are responsible for removing waste from our body. Other important functions by kidneys are self-absorption of nutrients, maintaining bone health and keeping the body’s haemoglobin levels normal. So it’s obvious to take care of your kidneys.

Kidneys might have a solid mass of crystals called kidney stones. In Ayurveda, the kidney stone is referred to as mutrashami. The word “mutra” means urine and “ashami” means stone. The kidney stones may be of different types and form in the kidneys itself. They might get stuck in the kidneys. These stuck stones can cause an emergency situation and result in intense pain.

Kidney stones are initially small but gradually grow larger in size. These stones make their passage along with urine but larger stones get accumulated to a point where they start obstructing the urinary duct. More than one in 10 people will have a kidney stone at some point in their life.

The symptoms are a result of 3 doshas. The accumulated vatadosha forms the crystals. The kaphadosha forms stones of the crystals and the pittadosha cause the burning sensation. There are 4 types of mutrashmari based on their colour, cause and symptoms that are Vatajaashmari, Pittajaashmari, kaphajaashmari and Sukrajaashmari.

Symptoms of Kidney stone can be-

  1. Intense pain in the kidney area
  2. Frequent urge to pass urine
  3. Burning sensation while urinating
  4. Urinary tract infection
  5. Nausea
  6. Vomiting
  7. Fever and chills
  8. Foul-smelling urine

Causes of a kidney stone-

  1. Dehydration (less intake of water)
  2. Chemical drugs
  3. Urinary tract infection
  4. Improper detoxification of the body
  5. Heavy exercise
  6. Spicy and salty food
  7. Loss of sleep
  8. Non-veg diet

Diagnosis of a kidney stone-

The kidney stones can be diagnosed through Physical examination, blood tests, Ultrasound, Abdominal X-ray and Urine test.

A kidney stone is a painful disease and the pain is so intense that it can disturb their normal life. Thus treatment is very necessary. If you have a kidney stone there are 30 to 50% chances that more stones will develop within 5 years.

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stone-

Ayurveda has a wide range of effective treatments for a wide range of ailments like kidney stones. Ayurvedic Medicines come handy for the treatment of kidney stones. Minor stones can be treated without much problem. They can pass through the urine on their own. However large stones cannot pass on their own and they are very painful which causes extensive damage to the kidneys and other organs.

According to Ayurveda,

  • Small-sized stones can be removed through food, preventive measures and adequate water intake.
  • Ayurvedic herbs and medicines can break a stone, larger than a grind of sand.
  • In advanced cases, larger stones can be removed through the flush process or other medical or Ayurvedic processes.

Kidney stones require proper treatment like with the combination of powerful ingredients and natural remedies.

Nirogam is very effective for the treatment of Kidney stones. It has minimal side-effects. Ayurvedic treatment does not require surgery or any artificial process. Nirogam is a simplified and affordable treatment.

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