Why is Ayurvedic Treatment for PKD is most effective?

Ayurvedic Treatment for PKD

Kidneys are responsible for eliminating wastes from the human body. If the toxic waste goes on accumulating in the body then it can prove fatal. Kidney cleanses the blood and produces urine. PKD is also known as polycystic kidney disease. It is a genetic disease in which sacs filled with fluid are formed in the kidney that obstructs it’s functioning. There can also be unusual growth of a cyst in kidneys that can gradually damage the organ and hamper its functioning.

PKD is a critical health problem that increases cyst development in other organs of the human body. If PKD is left untreated then it can lead to kidney failure or chronic kidney disease.

In the United States, about 600,000 people have PKD. It is the fourth leading cause of kidney failure. It is found in all races and occurs equally in men and women. It causes about 5% of all kidney failure.

According to Ayurveda, the imbalance inthree doshas – Vata, Pitta, andKaphacauses PKD and affects the regular functioning of the kidney. The imbalances in these doshascan also cause kidney cyst orGurdaGranthi.

Symptoms of PKD-

  1. Hypertension
  2. Headache
  3. Blood in urine
  4. Urinary tract infections
  5. Body ache
  6. Swollen or enlarged kidney
  7. Kidney failure
  8. Renal stone

Types of PKD:-

Polycystic kidney disease has 2 kinds-

  1. Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease- It is also known as adult PKD because it occurs at the age of 30-40 years. It is a genetic disease that is passed on from one parent to the child.
  2. Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Diseases: The symptoms of this disease develop from the birth of a child. It is passed on from both the parents to the child.

How can we diagnose PKD?

An affordable way to diagnose PKD is ultrasound. But, sometimes small cysts remain undiagnosed in ultrasound. So other tests like CT scan (computerised tomography scan) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are used. MRI is used for some detailed diagnosis to understand the extent of the PKD. In rare cases, genetic testing is also preferred.

Why should you choose Ayurveda for Treatment?

PKD is a genetic disease so there is no precise treatment for it except for Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a very old and natural medication with minimal side-effects and no chemicals.

Ayurvedic treatment is completely natural and authentic. There are several herbs mentioned in Ayurvedic texts that directly work at the origin of the disease. The herbs aim to treat the imbalances of the 3 doshasthat caused the disease. These traditional herbs like Ashwagandha, Shankhpushpi, Ginger, Laung, Giloy, Green Tea, NaagBhasma, NaagKesar, SafatikaBhasma, Triphala, Harad, BhumiAmla, Behda, Binaksha, Shilajit. These herbs boost the functioning of kidneys while treating PKD. Some specific herbs like Shatavari( this herb rejuvenates the kidney cells and enhances the functioning of kidneys) and Punarnava and Gokshuraare also prescribed after evaluating the individual needs of a patient. Kidneys are very significant organ of the human body. So, we at Nirogam, always offer pure, natural and chemical-free treatment that will ensure the complete well-being of a person.

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