Have you been experiencing excessive tiredness with muscle stiffness and ache?? Do you feel colder than others around you??? Have you been facing thinning of hairs?? Have you been observing gain in your weight and puffiness of your face?? If yes, do not ignore these symptoms and misinterpret them as the usual signs of aging!! ***You May Have Hyperthyroidism…!!!***

Yes it’s true. These symptoms may crawl into your daily routine and you might not even be aware about until something adverse has happened. If we look deeper, hyperthyroidism is associated with thyroid gland, about 2-inches long butterfly-shaped organ which is located in the base of the neck, lies in front of your throat below the prominence of thyroid cartilage sometimes called the Adam’s apple. Hyperthyroidism is an ailment in which this gland becomes underactive and does not produce or release thyroid hormones that are required for proper functioning of the body.

Normally, thyroid’s hormones regulate our vital body functions that include Body weight management, Body temperature, Breathing cycles, Central and peripheral nervous systems, Cholesterol levels, Heart rate, Muscle strength, Menstrual cycles and Much more. These bodily functions get impaired when the thyroid in not functioning properly. The following are some of the symptoms of too little thyroid Hormones in your body:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Depression
  • Sensitivity to cold temperature
  • Frequent, heavy periods
  • Joint and muscle pain


Ayurveda has endowed the function of thermogenesis and metabolism in the body to Agni. This unique concept of Ayurveda is related to Pachana (Digestion and conversion), Dhatupaka (Metabolism) etc. i.e. and various biochemical reactions occurring in the body. It is responsible to controls each and every process of conversions of nutrients. The normal as well as abnormal functions of thyroid gland are correlated to healthy and altered status of Agni.

In case of hypothyroidism, it is similar to Dhatwagnimandya in Ayurveda i.e. the weakening of metabolic fire. It is described as a stage of Agnimandya resulting in the formation of Ama – noxious form of Rasa Dhatu that causes various diseases. In hypothyroidism there is decrease of Jatharagni and Dhatwagni along with abnormality of Kapha and Vata Dosha as well as Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Medovaha, Sukravaha and Manovaha Srotas.


Management of Hypothyroidism with synthetic thyroid hormone derivatives may bring the value of T3 and T4 to normal range makes the patient drug dependent till the end of mortal life. We do not support such dependency generating allopathic approaches for the treatment of Hypothyroidism. Administration of chemically synthesised drugs orally, though may bring the the levels of T3, T4 and TSH which are otherwise less in the blood temporarily in normal ranges, results in providing quick BUT temporary recovery in the patients with hypothyroidism.

This synthetic approach may appeal tempting as it immediately controls the agonizing symptoms to some extent like weight gain, hair fall, dry skin, breathlessness, but then these symptoms get treated to some extent as the synthetic thyroid hormones that are being given from chemical sources can never be able to carry out the complete range of functions in the body as the natural hormones do, that are synthesized by our body. These artificial derivatives do not possess the equivalent potentials as those to naturally produced hormones of the human body which are better, safer and long lasting treatment.

Moreover as we continue giving the thyroid hormone from the external source for long time period, the thyroid gland of our body further reduces its function as the body feels that it is no longer required. This is also evident from the fact that in most of the patients, the dosage of the thyroid hormone that is being increases with time.

Therefore, if we want a permanent treatment for hypothyroidism, we need to improve the metabolic fire by the group of herbs mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts, that starts improving the functionality of the thyroid gland so that the production of the natural thyroid hormones in the body increases so that the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is not required to that an extent and the level comes down in the body. With this approach the best part is that gradually the functionality of the thyroid gland is restored and if the patient makes the recommended lifestyle changes, he can lead a disease free healthy life.

Our Treatment:

Nirogam brings to you the natural and permanent solution for Hyperthyroidism. We offer the Best combinations of herbs that have been prescribed by the sages from their time tested knowledge and experiences. We at ND Care Nirogam, provide herbs which increases dhatwagni and clearing these channels by providing shrotoshodhak dravyas which is in order to balance body energies. Ayurvedic treatment involves clearing of the blocked channels by providing shrotoshodhak dravyas which balance body’s energies and restore the circulation of thyroxin. Herbal preparations are administered to increase the digestive fire (AGNI) at a cellular level, restoring proper metabolism.

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